Moxie Outdoor Aventures

  • White Water Rafting
1609 Rt. 201
Forks, ME 04985
(207) 663-2231
(800) 866-6943
  • About

    The wild rivers of Maine provide whitewater rafting and river adventures for families to fanatics. Take a guided rafting trip or enjoy an inflatable kayak or and multi-day canoe trip. Moxie Outdoor Adventures base of operations is conveniently located to Maine's wilderness areas. For whitewater rafting on the Kennebec or Dead Rivers, Moxie Outdoor Adventures is located at Lake Moxie Camps on the shores of pristine Lake Moxie in The Forks, Maine.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Adrienne Mathieu
      1609 Rt. 201
      The Forks, ME 04985
      Phone: (207) 663-2231
    • Cliff Stevens
      1609 Rt. 201
      Forks, ME 04985
      Phone: (207) 663-2231
  • Directions

    From Points South: I-95 North to Exit 133 in Fairfield, Maine. Follow Rte 201 North 65 miles to The Forks. Pass through Skowhegan and then Bingham (23 miles to The Forks).